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Funds Talks Fashion!!
6 simple questions for the man of simplicty himself.

1. Who is your style icon?
(F): My style icon I would have to say... is Slick Rick. I’ve always admired his style growing up and it shaped my outlook on accessories. As far as straight fashion is concerned, Ralph Lauren and Alexander McQueen are some icons of mine.

2. When did you first realize you liked fashion?
(F): I liked fashion by force really, I grew up in a single parent household with just a sister and mother. I always dressed my mother, age 3, she’d ask: "These shoes? This skirt? This color? That color?" and that really got me started. Then as I grew up I managed to just fall in love with shoes and fashion.

3. How does music & fashion relate to you?
(F): Fashion, to me, is music in fabric. There is volume in colors and the way they are conveyed to the public through threads, it’s quite amazing. (And) I just let my fashion sense leak out the music.

4. Does fashion inspire your music and/or vice versa?
(F): Definitely, I think it’s a 50/50 deal because at the end of the day… words are words and clothes are clothes but, I happen to have a wide screen view of what both are and use that for inspiration to paint a picture with my words.

5. What does fashion mean to you?
(F): To me, fashion means, YOU. It means your sense of style whether it be no sense of style at all or excessive fashion sense.

6. Who are your favorite designers?
(F): My favorites are POLO by Ralph Lauren, Calvin Klein, Levis, Oscar De La Renta, Louis Vuitton.